Taleo Configuration Settings

Sourcing's Taleo configuration section provides access to settings relating to the Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE) and Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition integrations for the site.


Settings for the Taleo configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition
TEE Enabled Enables TE integration with Sourcing.
TEE Version Enter the TE version.
TEE Base Domain URL

Configure the URL with the *.taleo.net domain. Vanity URLs are not supported in this setting

Username Enter the TE account username.
Password Enter the TE account password.
Use LDAP Enables the use of LDAP.
Unique Email Constraint Enables the Unique Email Constraint to be active.
Accept Referrals for Known Candidates Enables referrals for known candidates.
Allow Adding Employees Enables employees to be added to TE.
Allow General Candidates Enables allowing for a general submission of a candidate not attached to a job. This feature only works if TE allows general submissions. When activated, a button at the top of the Home page allows an option for a logged-in employee to submit a friend's resume. On the Upload Friend's Resume modal the employee enters their friend's contact information and can upload their resume. When the resume is uploaded in this fashion it creates a profile in TE for the friend.
Allow Integration Sending Email Enables allowing emails from the TE system.
OLF Location Levels Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) locations to Sourcing address, municipality, city, state or province, and country fields.
Refresh Job Location Levels Refresh all location mapping between Sourcing and TE. Use this only if needed. Normally this is refreshed as part of the TE Job Feed integration on a regular schedule.
OLF Category Level Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) job fields to Sourcing job category.
OLF Organization Level Map the TE OLF (Organization, Location and Job Fields) job fields to Sourcing company (organization) facet.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo OLF Structure
Organizations Click the folder icon to display the TE organization tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
Locations Click the folder icon to display the TE location tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
Job Fields Click the folder icon to display the TE job category tree imported from the TE Job Feed integration.
Map Previous Location Data to Taleo For existing customers who are upgrading from use of a job scrape to use the job feed integration. Use to run a query to match job location data already in Sourcing to TE.
Map Previous Category Data to Taleo For existing customers who are upgrading from use of a job scrape to use the job feed integration. Use to run a query to match job location data already in Sourcing to TE.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Career Section
Synchronized Career Sections Provides synchronization of active CSs from TE to load jobs from. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to display a list of the CSs available from the TE Job Feed integration. Use the toggles to turn On/Off the CSs you want to activate/deactivate for use with Sourcing. Activating a career section makes available the jobs from that CS to end-users in Sourcing.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Enterprise Edition Job Connector
Manual Job Synchronization Runs the TE Job Feed integration on demand or at a designated point in time.
Run On Schedule Enables the setting of a schedule for automated running of the TE Job Feed integration on a recurring schedule.
Feed Schedule Sets the TE Job Feed integration run schedule. Valid values vary from every 3 minutes to every 24 hours.
Configuration > Taleo > Synchronize Employees with TEE Zone
Last Run Date Date the feed was last run.
Synch all Employees Now Triggers a feed of all employees from TEE.
Synch Delta Employees Now Triggers the import of changes to employees.
Deltas Days Ago Sets how far back the delta synch should look for changes.
Employee Synch Page Size
Run on Schedule Toggle for running the feed on schedule.
Employee Synch Schedule Timing for when the synch should be run.
Configuration > Taleo > TE Account URLs
Submit Profile URL Enter the TE CS's Submit Profile URL.
Manage Profile URL Enter the TE CS's Manage Profile URL.
My Submission URL Enter the TE CS's My Submission URL.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Multiple Career Sections)
Allow Multiple Career Sections for Handoff Enables ability to handoff candidates in a direct application flow to one of multiple TE CSs.
Multiple Career Sections URL Format Enter the URLs for the multiple CSs.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (External)
Taleo External Desktop URL Format Sets the URL format for an external candidate, desktop user's direct application flow to a TE career section.
Taleo External Desktop Career Section Path Enter the external candidate, desktop user's TE career section URL path.
Taleo External Mobile URL Format Enter the URL format for an external candidate, mobile user's direct application flow to a TE career section.
Taleo External Mobile Career Section Path Enter the URL format for an external candidate, mobile user's TE career section URL path.
Configuration > Taleo > Taleo Direct (Internal)
TE Internal Desktop URL Format Sets the URL format for an internal candidate, desktop user's TE career section.
TE Internal Desktop Career Section Path Enter the internal candidate, desktop user's TE career section URL path.
TE Internal Mobile URL Format Sets the URL format for an internal candidate, mobile user's TE career section URL.
TE Internal Mobile Career Section Path Enter the internal candidate, mobile user's career section URL path.
Configuration > Taleo > Candidate's Statuses Updated
Candidate Status Synch Enables the TE Candidate Status Synchronization integration feed. The TE job submission status for external and internal candidates are exported to Sourcing in an API feed, so the appropriate candidate job submission statuses are displayed in Sourcing. When this setting is turned On the job submission information is shown to recruiters, referrers of a candidate, and candidates themselves.
Update Schedule Sets the automated running of the TE Candidate Status Synchronization integration feed on a recurring basis. Valid values are Off, Daily, Twice a Day and Four Times a Day.