Action Links and Action Link Menus in Analyses and Dashboards

As you analyze data in analyses, view dashboards, or view content delivered by agents, you might want to take some action because of the business insight you gained from the data. You can do so by using action links and action link menus, if available:

  • An action link is a link embedded in an analysis (on a column heading or a data value) or dashboard page that, when clicked, runs an associated action.

    For example, suppose a data value in an analysis includes an action link that sends the analysis to a specified email address. If, after analyzing the data, you decide that your manager must see this analysis, then you can send it to him directly from the analysis by clicking the action link.

  • An action link menu is a menu embedded on a dashboard page that groups multiple action links as options on the menu. An action link menu lets you select, from a list of action link options, the right action to take.