Technical Help Information

Providing technical help improves the candidate experience of those candidates who encounter issues and ensures that they can successfully complete the application process and perform other tasks such as job searches.

Technical help can be added to Career Sections, which can take the form of a text, a URL link, or an email address.

If technical help is enabled, the link is displayed at the upper-right and bottom-right corners of Career Section pages bearing the top and bottom “bars”. The location of the links cannot be modified.

There are four technical help information types to choose from:
  • None removes the technical help from the Career Section.

  • Default displays the technical help information type configured in the Career Section global settings. The global setting default is None. If the global setting is text or link the content of TexTool Resource ID 2116390 in Resource Group Header Panel 102166 will display. If this content hasn't been provided no technical help will display.

  • Link displays a hyperlink to the help page, or the email of the organizations support contact.

  • Text displays a plain text help message such as "For help contact customer service 888-999-5555."

The technical help information type is automatically set to Default.

Customers who already provide technical help in another form on Career Sections have the option of disabling the Technical Help Information feature across all their Career Sections or on a specific Career Section.

Technical help information will not be displayed if in the Career Section properties:

  • Technical Help type is set to none.

  • Technical Help type is set to Default and the global technical help information type setting is set to none.

  • Technical Help type is set to text and content is empty. This is not recommended as a technical help icon displays.

  • Technical Help type is set to text and content is empty. This is not recommended as a technical help icon displays.