Evaluation Management

Evaluation Management allows your organization to electronically capture, review, and analyze an evaluator's input obtained during a candidate interview.

The new HTML-based Recruiting product leverages the same Evaluation Management functionality and user interface as found in the Legacy Recruiting product.

Different people in your organization are involved in the evaluation process. Here's an overview of how the process works:

  • The content manager creates, edits, and manages categories to organize evaluation questions, evaluation skills, and evaluation questionnaires.

  • The content manager creates, edits, and manages evaluation questions and evaluation skills used in evaluation questionnaires.

  • The content manager creates evaluation questionnaires.

  • Recruiters add evaluation questionnaires to requisitions.

  • Recruiters send evaluation feedback requests to evaluators to ask them to evaluate candidates using evaluation questionnaires.

  • Evaluators provide feedback on candidates they interview using the evaluation questionnaires.

  • Recruiters view evaluation questionnaires completed by evaluators.