Requisition Details

A requisition details the specific requirements of a job for which somebody must be hired.

When you view a requisition, details of the requisition are presented in the following tabs and panel:

  • Requisition Info: Contains all the info for the job organized into different sections that you can expand and collapse as needed.

  • Prescreen Alerts: You can set the ACE flagging and Request More Information (RMI) criteria.

  • Attachments: Contains files attached to the requisition. You can view, preview, delete, upload, and download attachments.

  • Approvals: Displays info about the approval process such as the approvers, the decision made, and the date and time of the approval.

  • Sourcing: You can view and configure all the sourcing and posting methods used for your requisition. Posting can be done to internal or external career sites, job boards, or staffing agents. You can even invite candidates that match certain criteria to apply for the job.

  • Interviews: You can add evaluation questionnaires, send evaluation feedback requests to evaluators to ask them to evaluate candidates, view feedback provided by evaluators.

  • History: You can view tracking details of events that occurred on a requisition. Events are listed in chronological order.

  • Summary: The Summary panel highlights important details of the requisition such as the requisition status, structure, hiring team, job information. You also have links to pre-filtered submissions: Active candidates, New candidates, All candidates. The Summary card is collapsible.

Info About Specific Sections and Fields

Owners: Owners are individuals chosen as the recruiter, the hiring manager, the recruiter assistant, and the hiring manager assistant for a specific requisition. Your administrator must activate the recruiter assistant and the hiring manager assistant roles. These two assistant roles can carry out requisition-related activities to help the recruiter or hiring manager. System-assigned tasks are assigned to the assistant (if an assistant was identified) instead of the recruiter. However, the recruiter also has access to these tasks even though they were assigned to the assistant. When you view the Requisitions list, you can use the Show requisitions filter to gain quick access to requisitions you own. You can also use the filters Recruiter, Hiring Manager, Recruiter Assistant, Hiring Manager Assistant to view requisitions owned by a specific user.

Collaborators: Collaborators are individuals chosen by the owner of a requisition to help or take responsibility for various activities pertaining to the requisition or related recruiting process. When you view the Requisitions list, you can use the Show requisitions filter to gain quick access to requisitions that you collaborate on.

User Group: A user group is a group of people who need to have access to the same information for example, a group of people who works on the same requisitions.