Change the Step and Status of a Candidate Submission

You can change a submission's current step or status using the Change Step/Status action available in the Submissions list and within a candidate submission. You can change the step/status for one candidate submission or, for several candidate submissions (bulk action). The step and status available for selection are based on the requisition’s candidate selection workflow configuration and your permissions.

  1. Select one or multiple candidate submissions.
  2. In the More Actions menu, select Change Step/Status.
  3. In the Change Step and Status window, select the desired step and status.
  4. Enter comments.
  5. If applicable, choose any available action that you would like to perform at the same time (as made available by your administrator).
  6. Click Apply and Close if you only want to change one step/status. Click Apply and Continue to continue changing the step/status of the selected submissions.