Send a Correspondence to a Candidate

You can use the Send Correspondence action to create a message and send it to one or multiple candidates.

Before you start

You can send a correspondence to a maximum is 150 candidates.

Here's what to do

  1. Select one or more candidates.
  2. In the More Actions menu, select Send Correspondence.
  3. Select how the message is sent, email or printed letter.
  4. You can write the message from scratch or using a template:
    • From Scratch: You can create a message from scratch using the text editor. Before sending the message, you can see and print a preview of the message and make final edits if needed. You can also attach files.

    • From Template: The list of templates that you can select is displayed. Use filters to find the desired template. If the template is built using several paragraphs, you can select and unselect them. You can see and print a preview of the message before selecting it. If you have the right permission, you can edit the message and attach files. You can also format the text using tools such as bold, italics, font types and sizes, bulleted lists.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Create the message.
  7. Click Send.

    If need be, you can resend a previously manually sent email to candidates through the History tab of their submission. Click on the Details/Comments of the history event and resend the email as-is, or edit the header information prior to resending.