Result Set Field

A result set field is a field for which the partner will send more than one result value per service request.

Result set fields are specific to the service, therefore depending on the partner service used, the fields displayed will differ from one service to another. When requesting an external partner service, the result set fields will be displayed to the service partner to enter or select the results of the selected service:

The properties of a result set field are:

  • Domain: The type of field. The domain is a read only property. The possible values are:

    • Text

    • Multilingual text

    • Numerical

    • Selection

    • Date

    • Date time sensitive

    • Boolean

  • Code: The internal name of the result set field. The code is a read-only property t

  • Name: The label of the field used to return results. Depending on the service definition, this can be an editable property.

  • Default Value: this is the value of the field used by default by the system. Depending on the service definition, this can be an editable property.

Result fields are never mandatory because the service partner can send the value of the results not all at once.