Limit to Reschedule Appointments

Allows Calendar Owners and Scheduling Center Administrators to limit the maximum number of times a candidate is allowed to reschedule an appointment.

If the Reschedule Limit is activated for a calendar and a candidate exceeds the limit, a message configured by the calendar creator is displayed to the candidate.

A calendar creator can activate and define a Reschedule Limit when creating or modifying a calendar. A Reschedule Limit is activated by checking the corresponding check box on the Create Calendar page. The creator can select a limit, from one to ten, from a drop-down list.

When a Reschedule Limit is activated, the Reschedule Limit Reach text field becomes available at the bottom of the Create Calendar page. This field is only visible when the Reschedule Limit is activated and is used to enter a configurable message that displays to the candidate when he or she reaches the configured limit.