
A timeslot is a period of the day when candidates are able to book appointments.

A timeslot can be locked meaning that candidates are unable to book appointments in that timeslot. Existing appointments already scheduled remain unchanged. Candidates may cancel or reschedule out of them, but no one can schedule an appointment into a locked timeslot. Locked timeslots are identified by a padlock icon.

The owner of a calendar, the Administrator, or a user with a Manage Timeslots role can lock a timeslot.

Timeslots cannot be modified once created. To modify a timeslot, remove the timeslot and add a new one.

Timeslot actions are not available for timeslots that occurred in the past. The check boxes used for timeslot selection are disabled on past days and the Timeslot Action menu is removed. To perform Timeslot Actions, the user must have a calendar role of Manage Timeslots or Administer Calendars.