Onboarding (Transitions) Permissions

Permissions can be granted to the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator and Onboarding (Transitions) Center users.

Many Onboarding (Transitions) permissions are located at Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Onboarding (Transitions).

Category Onboarding (Transitions) Permission Description
Administration View public product settings Enables users to view all Protected and Public settings in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration.
Administration Update Human Resources Product Settings Permits users to update all Public settings in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration.
Administration View protected product settings Enables users to view protected product settings.
Administration Update system product settings Enables users to modify system product settings.
Administration Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data Enables the User-defined Forms feature in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration. Users can create, edit and disable user-defined forms.
Administration Manage message templates for email correspondence and reminders Enables the Message Templates feature in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration. Users can create, edit and disable message templates sent to recipients.
Administration Manage text documents and paragraphs for use in content pages and message templates Enables the Documents feature in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration. Users can create, edit and disable text documents and PDF documents.
Administration Manage user-defined fields, e-signatures, and user-defined reporting Enables the User-defined Fields and User-defined Selections features in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration. Users can create, edit and disable user-defined fields and selections. Most user-defined fields and selections used in Onboarding (Transitions) are managed in Recruiting Administration. Separate permissions control the creation of these fields. In a future release, users will have the ability to configure user-defined fields that appear in reports.
Administration Manage task definitions, related sources, content pages, and images Enables the Task Definitions feature in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration. Users can create, edit and disable Onboarding (Transitions) tasks. The Content Pages section (and corresponding links) are displayed in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration.
Administration Manage Onboarding (Transitions) processes of all types Enables the Processes feature in Onboarding (Transitions) Administration. Users can create, edit and disable Onboarding (Transitions) processes. This permission also enables users to create and update steps within processes.
Administration Manage services that are provided by partners Controls whether the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator can view the section for controlling OVI services that have been enabled for the zone.
New Hire Send email correspondence on demand Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to send ad hoc correspondences at any time from the Process page.
New Hire View processes I own or supervise, or that have been shared with me Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to view processes for which they are the process owner or one of the supervisors.
New Hire View, suspend, and restart processes that I own or supervise or share Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to suspend and resume processes for which they are the process owner or that they shared in Onboarding (Transitions) and for which they are one of the supervisors.
New Hire View, suspend, restart and share processes that I own or supervise or share Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to explicitly allow another user to view a new hire's process temporarily.
New Hire View all processes Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to view processes for new hires.
New Hire View, suspend, and restart all processes Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to suspend, restart or cancel processes for new hires, and to change the assigned users, the hiring manager, recruiters or assistants while the process is running.
New Hire View, suspend, restart, and share all processes In addition to the previous permission, permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to share processes in Onboarding (Transitions) and to revoke sharing.
New Hire View, add, and print attached files (PDFs) Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to view the System Documents section on the Process page. If this permission is enabled, PDF documents associated with the new hire via the Open PDF task are displayed. Also, with this permission, Onboarding (Transitions) Center users can add PDF documents, from the document library, to the System Documents section of the new hire's running process.
New Hire Delete processes that are completed or canceled Administrators can "purge" or delete candidates/new hires from the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition system manually or through an automated action provided the candidates/new hires are not involved in any process. This permission enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to delete information about the process status, completion, tasks, task completion dates, etc. All the personal information about the candidate/new hire is unaffected.
Tasks Manage tasks assigned to me Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to view tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center for which they are an assignee, and tasks they created for themselves. Note that there is no specific permission such as "Execute tasks assigned to me". If a task is displayed and assigned to an Onboarding (Transitions) Center user, the person can execute it.
Tasks View and execute tasks assigned to me When this permission is granted, Onboarding (Transitions) Center users cannot modify task details such as its due date but they can execute the task. Note that this permission is similar to the "View and execute all tasks assigned to anyone" permission except that it applies only to tasks assigned to the user.
Tasks View, edit, and execute tasks assigned to me Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to edit tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center for which they are an assignee, and tasks they created for themselves. Enables the users to change the due date and priority of tasks that they can access.

Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to "retry" a task that has Error or Canceled status.

Tasks Create tasks assigned to me, and view, edit, and execute tasks assigned to me Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to change the due date and priority of assigned tasks, and to execute their own tasks if they can view them.

Also enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to create tasks they want to assign to themselves.

Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to "retry" a task that has Error or Canceled status.

Tasks Reassign tasks assigned to me Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to reassign tasks in Onboarding (Transitions) that they have created for themselves.
Tasks View related sources of tasks assigned to me, to see their forms and documents Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users viewing a new hire's steps and tasks to view the forms and PDFs that are part of the task assigned to them. This permission is useful for viewing the data that was entered in the fields by the task assignees. It also enables the viewer to see all the OVI request information and the More Details link to the partner's web site for tasks that are of External Service Request type.
Tasks Manage tasks in processes for which I am the supervisor (same capabilities as the owner)
Tasks View all tasks assigned to anyone, and execute tasks assigned to me Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to view all tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center regardless of a task's status and assignees.
Tasks View and edit all tasks assigned to anyone, and execute tasks assigned to me Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to edit all tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, such as changing the title or due-date of the assigned task. This permission is unrelated to executing a task because a task's assignee(s) can always execute the task.

Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to "retry" a task that has Error or Canceled status.

Tasks View, edit, and reassign all tasks assigned to anyone, and execute tasks assigned to me Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to reassign all tasks in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center to other users who will complete them. Users can also reassign tasks for which they were not the original assignees to themselves.

Enables Onboarding (Transitions) Center users to "retry" a task that has Error or Canceled status.

Tasks View related sources (forms, email correspondence, and documents) related to all tasks Permits Onboarding (Transitions) Center users viewing the new hire's steps and tasks to view the forms and PDF documents that are part of the task. This permission is useful for viewing the data that was entered in the fields by the task assignees.
Tasks View and execute my tasks in the Response Center (do not combine with other permissions)

Provides external users with a simplified view to access their assigned tasks (an alternative to the Onboarding (Transitions) Center). The Response Center displays only the users' open tasks. When completed, tasks are no longer displayed in the task list in the Response Center.

Email messages do not require a specific variable to direct users to the Response Center. The “{TransitionsURLs_Para.TaskAccessURL}” field brings each assignee to the appropriate place where he/she can complete the assigned task. This means that a single message template can be used for a task assigned to different people: a candidate or a new hire, a Response Center user and an Onboarding (Transitions) Center user. Clicking the link displays the right page and the right task to each type of user. Alternatively, a specific message template can contain the “{TransitionsURLs_Para.ResponseCenterURL}” field to ensure that people are directed to the Response Center only. The people must have Response Center permissions. (See Message Template Key Concepts.)

Because Response Center users have simple needs, other Onboarding (Transitions) permissions must not be selected in addition to the "View and execute my tasks in the Response Center (do not combine with other permissions)" permission. Likewise, the Response Center permission must not be selected for other Onboarding (Transitions) Center users who have other more substantial needs and consequently other Onboarding (Transitions) permissions. If the "View and execute my tasks in the Response Center (do not combine with other permissions)" permission is selected along with other Onboarding (Transitions) permissions, this can cause a variety of problems for those users.

Onboarding (Transitions)-related permissions for the Recruiting Center are located at Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Other.

Category Onboarding (Transitions) Permission Description
Onboarding (Transitions) Initiate a prehire process for a candidate Enables Recruiting Center users to start a prehire process for candidates when the latter reach a step configured for such an action (in a candidate selection workflow).
Onboarding (Transitions) Cancel a prehire process in progress Enables Recruiting Center users to cancel a prehire process that was started and whose status is In Progress.
Onboarding (Transitions) Initiate a new hire process for a new resource Enables Recruiting Center users to start a new hire process for candidates when the latter reach a step configured for such an action (in a candidate selection workflow).
Onboarding (Transitions) Cancel a new hire process in progress Enables Recruiting Center users to cancel a new hire process that was started and whose status is In Progress.

An Onboarding (Transitions)-related permission for offers is located at Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Offers.

Category Onboarding (Transitions) Permission Description
General Extend offers electronically Enables Recruiting Center users to extend offers electronically to candidates when the latter reach a step configured for such an action (in a candidate selection workflow). E-Offer processes can be started and canceled from the Recruiting Center or using Taleo Connect.

An Onboarding (Transitions)-related permission for integration is located at Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Integration > Onboarding (Transitions).

Category Onboarding (Transitions) Permission Description
Allow this user type to perform integration tasks Enables users to perform integration tasks related to Onboarding (Transitions).

This permission should only be granted to people who use Taleo Connect. It is a permission that can produce unexpected results when it is granted to other users. Take the case of users who have permissions required to view only their processes and tasks. If the users are also granted the "Allow this user type to perform integration tasks" permission, they will be able to view everyone's processes and tasks.