Direct Apply (Recommended)

The Direct Apply feature set is recommended as it offers jobseekers direct access from the Job Details page on Sourcing to the authentication page on the Career Section. This is accomplished by selecting the OTAC_17.4 View Type.

Benefits of this view type include:
  • Eliminates friction during the application process as the candidates are sent directly to the Career Section without any intermediate step to collect data.

  • Uses data in Recruiting to underpin Analytics in Sourcing for all job submissions and referral ownership.

  • Uses data and configurations in Recruiting to determine eligibility of referrals.

  • Recruiting Center users are informed as to which referrals are the result of social job promotion by employees.

  • Eliminates the need for Image Beacon configuration in application flows.

With the OTAC_17.4 View Type enabled, intermediary data collection by Sourcing ceases. Analytics in Sourcing is now populated with more authentic and accurate data from Recruiting. The OTAC_17.4 configuration supersedes the Capture Identification from Applicants setting, i.e. the OTAC_17.4 View Type makes this data collection screen obsolete.

Sourcing and the OTAC_17.4 View Type respect all existing paradigms in Recruiting to determine whether a referral is accepted or not. If Recruiting accepts the attempt to apply the referral:
  • The referrer is associated to the referred candidate.

  • A tracking event on the job submission displays, “Employee Job Promotion” indicating this is a passive referral.

Note: A passive referral is when an employee uses social media job promotion or the copy link feature to generate leads and traffic. Then, their network of contacts finds the link and applies. An active referral is when an employee uses the Upload Friends Resume feature, thereby actively entering that candidate into the system. Pass
This feature set is disabled at upgrade. To enable the feature set:
  1. Click Configuration.
  2. Click Jobs.
  3. In the Apply section, click on the pencil icon next to the View Type field.
  4. Select OTAC_17.4.
  5. Save.
Note: The Employee Sync must be run at least once prior to enabling this feature. Also, both Sourcing and Recruiting must be on Release 17.4 before an Administrator is able to execute the OTAC_17.4 View Type configuration. There is no upgrade chronological dependency.