Invitation for Mobile Candidates to Complete Submission on Standard Career Section

Applications flows can be configured such that candidates and employees who make a job submission on a career section optimized for mobile devices receive an acknowledgement message by email inviting them to complete the full job submission on a standard career section.

The acknowledgement message is sent whether the candidates or employees saved an incomplete job submission or completed the submission process on the mobile career section.

Customers will need to create a customized message template for the Sending a Job Submission Acknowledgement Letter for Mobile Candidate action. It is important that the email template contain the URL leading to the standard career section so that candidates and employees can access the career section directly. The application workflow associated with the job in the standard career section is typically longer, contains more fields and presents information within a wider layout.


A page in the application flow must include the Sending a Job Submission Acknowledgement Letter for Mobile Candidate action.

Application Flow Action Location
Sending a Job Submission Acknowledgement Letter for Mobile Candidate Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows > (click application flow whose status is Draft)