Faceted Search Properties

Property Description


When set to Yes, the Job Search page is displayed in the career section. The Basic Search and the Job List career portal pages are automatically disabled. However, the Advanced Search and the Personalized Job List pages are still available.

Help panel displayed

When set to Yes, the Help icon is displayed in the career section and candidates can access helpful information by clicking the icon.

Search on multilingual jobs

Career sections can be configured such that if job lists contain jobs posted in multiple languages, candidates and employees can use the "Jobs available in" filter at the top right-hand corner of search pages to limit the jobs displayed to those posted in a specific language. For example, a candidate selects the Spanish language from the "Jobs available in" list. The system then displays the jobs posted in the selected language.

The "Jobs available in" list is displayed in a career section provided:

  • Multiple languages are enabled in the career section.

  • The career section includes jobs posted in multiple languages.

  • In Configuration, the Faceted Search is enabled and the "Search on multilingual jobs" property is set to Yes on the Faceted Search properties page.

Displayed filters

Filters appearing in the filter panel.

The order of how filters are displayed to candidates can be specified using the up and down arrows. An option is available to expand the filter block by default.

Search bar fields

Fields appearing in the search bar. A maximum of three fields can be selected.

The Keyword field searches the following fields: Requisition Title (Job Title), Requisition Number (Job Number), Requisition Description, Requisition Qualifications.

The order of how fields are displayed to candidates can be defined using the up and down arrows.

Filter panel location

Three location options are available: Left, Right or Off.

Default job list layout

Career Section administrators can determine which job list layout (or view) will be displayed by default on the Faceted search page and whether users will be able to switch between job list layouts. See the "Default job list layout" section in Faceted Search.

Allow job list layout modification

Administrators can impose a single layout (single line or multiple line) or they can enable candidates to switch between layouts.

If Career Section administrators enable candidates to switch between views, a link is displayed in the career section at the top of the job list, right side of the Faceted search page. Candidates click the corresponding link: "Single-line" to display information about each job on a single line; "Multi-line" to display information about each job on multiple lines.

Display the job posting date with date and time. If you select No, only the date will be displayed.

Display the job unposting date with date and time. If you select No, only the date will be displayed.

Job list sorting

The selections made in this section determine the choices that will be displayed in the Sort by list. Faceted search users will be able to make a selection in the list and the job list will be sorted automatically by that criterion.

Job list columns

The selections made in this section determine the job list columns displayed on the Faceted search page, single-line mode.

Sorting Direction

Always show urgent need jobs on top of the job list

If Yes is selected, jobs flagged as urgent need will be displayed at the top of the job list regardless of sorting criterion.