Home Page Job Search

The Home page presents the Sourcing core functionality for logged-in users. It provides quick access to the open jobs for your organization through the Featured Jobs, Job Search, and Previous Job Search sections.

The Home page has the same general layout as the Portal page. It displays for a user a subset of the available functionality based on their access role. Job Search features which may be available to users on the Home page are summarized in the table below. The exact features you see depend upon your access role and your organization's implementation.

UI Element Description
Featured Jobs
Use to view summaries of featured jobs, which are those tagged by recruiters as New or Hot. You can also:
  • View job summaries.

  • Click View All New or View All Hot links to filter the list.

  • Click a job title to view the job details and description. From the job details you can apply for the job.

  • Click a job location to view a list of the jobs for that location.

Job Search
Use the Job Search section to search the site for more jobs, based on keyword and location:
  • For either field, you can type in the beginning few letters of a keyword or location to produce an auto-completed list of matching values. Select a value.

  • Or click on the Keyword field to view and select from a list of the top five job categories.

  • Or click on the Location field to view and select from a list of the top five job locations.

When you click Search, the Job Search page opens and displays matching results. If no matching results are found, a message is provided. To return to the Home page click the Jobs link on the top navigation bar.

Geolocation Job Search
Sourcing supports geolocation, which is the identification of a location (such as a street address) using the latitude and longitude coordinates. When the Geolocation Search setting in Configuration is enabled, the system will ask your location upon loading. If you agree, the system will prepopulate the Location search box with your location. This works for both desktop and mobile devices.
  • For jobs having multiple job locations the system will display all locations in search results as long as one of the locations is relevant to the search.

  • For non-specific job locations, you can obtain job results general to a region where you are located (e.g. remotely located offices in a state or province). For example, if you are searching for jobs from Fresno, California, USA, you can get job results that are in California, USA which do not have a specific longitude and latitude.

  • If users enter a location search that is not found in the Placefinder directory, they are presented with the option to run a keyword search using their location criterion. If users select Yes, the location entered is copied to the keyword field and a keyword search is performed. All results, if any, containing that keyword are displayed. This feature enables the user to search for jobs at locations outside the usual geosearch library by converting the invalid location into a keyword search that may yield jobs.

Keyword Search
The Keyword search field allows for:
  • Plurals (e.g. a search for "Managers" will also get you "Manager").

  • Complex stemming (e.g. a search for "Development" will also get you "Developer").

  • Case insensitivity.

  • Punctuation parsing.

  • Filtering out common words (such as "job" for ranking).

  • ASCII character equivalents for special characters.

  • Dynamic weighting that adjusts the relative weights for keywords (e.g. words that show up in the job title or description) and jobs that have special flags (e.g. New and Hot jobs).

Previous Job Searches

Use the Previous Job Searches section to view a summary of your recent job searches. Click on a search title to open the Job Search page and see the results in the center section. To return to the Home page click the Jobs link on the top navigation bar.