RSS Feature

Real Simple Syndication, or RSS, allows candidates to receive a notification for jobs corresponding to their job search criteria.

When creating a Career Section, system administrators can enable the RSS option allowing candidates visiting their Career Sections to create RSS job feeds. Thereafter, candidates receive a notification (job title and short description) via their RSS feed, of jobs that correspond to the job search criteria they specified in Career Sections. Each RSS feed will display up to 10 jobs to a candidate, plus a link to the Career Section to see all the jobs.

If a job is posted in multiple languages, the language of the RSS feed a person receives corresponds to the language preference specified by that person. When the RSS feature is activated for a Career Section, the candidate can request job feeds based on Job Field and Location. The job feeds include only jobs that conform to a person's permissions at login. For example, the job feed an external user receives does not include internal job postings even if his/her search criteria match the internal job profile.

A private Career Section setting "RSS Feed Activation" allows the activation of this feature. By default this settings is set to OFF; please contact Oracle Support to have this setting activated. RSS is unavailable for Agency portals.

Note: The RSS feed does not display correctly in the Firefox 3.6 browser; to view the RSS feed, update to Firefox 4.0 or use a different browser.


To enable the RSS feature the career section must have Inactive status.

Career Section Property Location
Enable the RSS Feature Configuration> [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > [Career Section] Name > [Properties] Edit