Guidelines for Theme Configuration

UI Element Guidelines
Shopping cart icon The shopping cart icon is displayed at 2 different areas. The background color of these two areas is not set by the same element. The shopping cart displayed on the top menu, is set on the First color background and the shopping cart located in the legend is set on the Main background color.
Links The action links are not all displayed on the same background color. For example the action link on the search list is set on the Fourth background color, but the links displayed above the progress bar are set on the First background color.
Selected Tab color Use the same background color for the selected Main tab as for the selected sub tab.
Unselected tab Use the same background color for the Unselected Main tab as for the unselected sub tab.
Tabs The text displayed on a tab can be changed via the career portal page feature, but the color of the formatting of the text cannot be changed.
Screening services The Theme does not control the elements of the external services such as the background check, tax forms... These elements are configured with the Recruiting Screening Service feature.
Word wrapping If words are wrapping, change the width of display. Recommended width is 720 pixels, but if labels are long they may wrap in a 720 pixel size screen.