Positioning the Diversity Block in the Application Flow

Before you start

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Application Flows

Here's what to do

  1. Open an application flow.
  2. Make sure the status of the application flow is Draft or Inactive.
  3. You may choose to display the Documents block on its own page, or combine the Documents block with the Diversity block (or any other block) on one page. The procedure below describes the first option. Add the pages where the Documents and Diversity blocks will appear.
    1. In the Add a Page field, type the name of the page. For example, Diversity Part 1.
    2. Click Create a Page. The page appears in the Flow section.
    3. In the Add a Page field, type the name of the page. For example, Diversity Part 2.
    4. Click Create a Page. The page appears in the Flow section.
  4. Add the Diversity blocks in the pages.
    1. In the Available Blocks section, select the Diversity block which contains the diversity statement.
    2. Drag and drop the block in the Diversity Part 1 page.
    3. In the Available Blocks section, select the Documents block which contains the disability form.
    4. Drag and drop the block in the Diversity Part 2 page.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select the disability form.
    1. In the Page Ordering section of the application flow, click the Documents link.
    2. Click Edit next to Properties.
    3. Select the proper disability form.
    4. Click Save.
  7. Activate the application flow.

What to do next

You can now put the application flow on the career section, and activate the career section.