Personalize Your Setup

If you have access to the welcome center and My Setup, you can personalize how certain information is displayed or behaves in the application.

You can personalize elements such as personal information, contact information, password, person to delegate your tasks, display preferences. You can also override options that were previously configured by your administrator to fit your personal preferences.

My Setup is available in the welcome center, under the Resources menu. The table presents options and preferences that you can modify in My Setup.

Option Description
Personal Information

This is where you can enter personal info such as your name, title, employee ID, address, email, phone.

Account Information

This is where you can enter info such as your user name and password.

The Delegate button allows you to delegate tasks to another user.

General Preferences

This is where you can configure how certain info is displayed or behaves in the application. For example, the content language used when you create requisitions and other items, the correspondence language used for emails, the default text size, your frequent approvers and collaborators.