Requisitions List

The Requisitions list displays requisitions with information shown into different columns.

From the Requisitions list, you can:

  • View all requisitions including those in inactive statuses such as Draft, Deleted, and Canceled.

  • Filter requisitions using various criteria. Once you have selected criteria, click Apply Filters to refresh the list accordingly. Applied filters are shown in the top of the list. To remove filters, click Clear All to clear the selected filters, or click the remove icon next to each filter to remove each filter individually. The Filters pane is collapsible.

  • Sort requisitions according to the information within a column by clicking the triangle in that column's header. Clicking a second time will reverse the sorting sequence.

  • Use the List Format tool to configure what content to display in the list.

  • Navigate through the Requisitions list pages using the first, previous, next, and last buttons. You can also go directly to a page.

  • Hover your mouse over the requisition title to get requisition info such as the recruiter, hired candidates, user group, and activated languages.

  • Click the title of a requisition to open it and view all of its details. From there, you can flip to the next or previous requisition. You can also come back to the Requisitions list and see the last viewed requisition highlighted on the list.

  • Click the candidate count of a requisition to access the list of candidate submissions for that requisition.

  • View an icon in the Candidate Count column indicating new submissions in the candidate selection process for a requisition (those submissions in the initial status of the first step of a candidate selection process).

  • Perform actions available in the More Actions menu such as deleting, canceling, and filling a requisition.

  • Create requisitions.