Calendar List Filtering

The list of calendars can be filtered to reduce the number of calendars displayed in the list and to display calendars relevant to a user. The calendar list can also be sorted alphabetically.

The Quick Filters panel allows users to filter and search calendars according to the following criteria:

  • Status: Used to display active or inactive calendars.

  • ID: When a calendar is created, an ID number is given to the calendar. You must enter the exact ID number. The Calendar ID search field is case sensitive

  • Calendar Name: You can enter the complete calendar name or part of it. The Calendar Name search field is not case sensitive

  • Location: You can enter the complete location name or part of it. The Location search field is not case sensitive.

  • Calendar Owner: You can enter the complete calendar owner name or part of it. The Calendar Owner search field is not case sensitive.

Search criteria can be used individually, or several criteria can be used together.

Sorting can also be performed on the calendar list by clicking on the column header. The list is sorted alphabetically.