Signing Into Social Sourcing

Before you start

You must first have been provided, or signed up for, an account.

[Sourcing Portal page]

Here's what to do

  1. Click Sign In at the upper right corner of the page.
    The Sign In modal opens.
  2. Optional. If you don't remember password click the Forgot Password link, enter your email address, and the system will send you new password information.
  3. Enter your login credentials.
    • You can choose to log in via one of your social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn), or to Sourcing directly.

    • As an internal Administrator or Recruiter you will most often sign in directly to Sourcing. One exception is when you are acting as an Administrator to install and set up a Facebook Jobs Application.

    • For this task we assume you are logging into Sourcing directly.

  4. Enter your Email address and Password.
  5. Click Sign In.


You are signed into Sourcing. The exact functionality you see depends upon your access privileges and your organization's implementation.