Assessment Mappings

Assessment mappings are the score thresholds and assessment ranges that Oracle Business Intelligence uses to assess the performance of objectives and initiatives.

Oracle Business Intelligence uses these score thresholds and assessment ranges to:

  • Determine the status and score of an objective or initiative based on the aggregation of the assessments of its children.
    Note: If the assessment formula of an objective or initiative is Best Case, Worst Case, Most Frequent (Worst Case), or Most Frequent (Best Case), the score will be one of the defined score thresholds, for example, 0, 33, or 66. If the assessment formula is Weighted, the score is computed based on the weights assigned to the children.
  • Map the KPI scores of KPIs that are used to measure the progress of initiatives and objectives to scorecard scores so that they can be used to measure the performance of the objectives or initiatives.

For more information on initiative and objective performance assessment, see "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment".

For how to define assessment mappings, see "Defining Assessment Mappings for a Scorecard".