Saving a Business Intelligence Object

  1. Create or edit a business intelligence object and click Save or Save As from the editor's toolbar. The Save As dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the catalog location to which you want to save the object. Note the following items:
    • You can create sub-folders for storage within your My Folders folder or within the system folder for which you have the permissions to modify.

    • Oracle BI enables you to save any type of business intelligence object to any location within the catalog. However, for some object types, Oracle BI's Save As dialog suggests the best catalog location. For example, if you are creating a named filter, then it should be saved to a subject area folder (/My Folders/Subject Area Contents/Paint) so that it is available when you create an analysis using the same subject area and to which you want to add the saved filter.

    • You can save the following objects to any location within the catalog: actions, agents, analyses, BI Publisher objects, briefing books, conditions, KPIs, and prompts.

    • Oracle recommends that you save the following objects to the subject area folder: calculated items, custom groups, and filters. If a subject area folder does not exist in your /My Folders folder or within the /Shared Folders folder, then Oracle BI EE creates a subject area folder and the Save As dialog defaults a save path to /My Folders/Subject Area Contents/<subject area>. Saving these objects to the subject area folders ensures that they are available when you build an analysis for the same subject area.

    • Dashboards can be saved to any catalog location. However, if you want the dashboard to display in the global header's Dashboards menu, then you must save the dashboard to a first level dashboard folder. For example, save the dashboard to the following location to include the dashboard in the Dashboard menu: /Shared Folders/Sales Projections/Dashboards. Save the dashboard to the following location to exclude the dashboard from the Dashboard menu: /Shared Folders/Sales Projections/Dashboards/Design Time.

  3. Click OK.