Career Section Components

Each of the areas that you can configure for each of your Career Sections is described below.

Properties: Each Career Section has its own Properties settings, which include the Career Section code, name, description, and type as well as different options. For details, see Career Section Properties.

Application Flow Properties: An application flow is a sequence of pages that must be completed by a candidate when applying for a job or when submitting a profile on a Career Section. Application flows are also used by referrers, recruiters, hiring managers, and agents to enter candidate profiles, invite candidates to apply for a job, or enter information on behalf of candidates. You must attach at least one application flow to each Career Section, and you can attach up to four. For details, see Application Flow Properties.

Career Section URL : You can add different Career Section URLs to lead candidates to specific jobs or locations; for example, the URL could take them to a list of marketing jobs in Canada. For details, see Career Section URLs.

Career Portal Pages: The Candidate Career Portal is the applicant-facing aspect of the Career Section. You administer the Career Portal Pages within each Career Section independently, as the settings within the Career Portal Pages can vary from one Career Section to another.For example, within the Career Portal Pages area, you can control how the Basic Search settings allow a candidate to search an organization's job list. For details, see Career Portal Pages.

Security Settings: Each Career Section can have its own specific security settings. Specific settings are configured in the Security Settings section of each Career Section. Global Security defaults for all Career Sections of a particular type are accessed from the Career Section Administration page, under Global Security. For details, see Security Setting Options.

User Accounts: System administrators can choose the number of hours during which access codes sent to candidates by e-mail remain valid. After the number of hours specified has been exceeded, the access codes are suspended. Access codes can be sent to candidates by e-mail for a variety of reasons: candidates who choose or are required to create a new user name or password, candidate file creation following employee referrals, imports via Integration. In prior releases, such access codes remained valid forever. Because the e-mails can remain in candidates’ e-mail accounts for any length of time, customers can now impose a specific period of time (expressed in hours) after which the access codes are suspended. If candidates attempt to use an access code that is suspended, they’ll receive an e-mail instructing them to apply for a new one.

A new setting is available: Validity period for the registration and password email (in hours).

  • Minimum value: 1 hour (zero hours is not accepted)

  • Maximum value: 10,000 hours (equivalent to 417 days)

  • Default: 1440 hours (equivalent to 60 days)

The default value of the setting Validity period for the registration and password email (in hours) is 1440. The length of time for the setting is expressed in hours. To specify 2 days, for example, the system administrator enters “48”. A different value can be assigned to each career section. The setting applies to all access codes sent to candidates. For this reason, system administrators should choose a length of time that accounts for a variety of situations, for example, where candidates use the Forgot your password feature, where candidates are on vacation when they are referred for a job by an employee, or when candidates are imported through data integration. An access code that exceeds the time limit is suspended, not deleted, from the system. Take the case where the validity period of access codes was 8 hours. If candidates used an access code 1 day after receiving it, the code would be rejected. If the system administrator then changed the validity period to 3 months, candidates could use the same access code up to 3 months after receiving it and it would be accepted. All access codes, even those generated in prior releases, are subject to this behavior.

Sign In: You can set up the sign in conditions for candidates; for example, whether or not the "Forgot User Name" link will show when candidates attempt to log in. For details, see Sign In Policy Options

Self-Registration: You can configure self-registration, which would require new users to provide a password and confirm their password.You can ask for an email address and activate the Registration Confirmation page in the Self-Registration area. For details, see Self-Registration Policy Options.

User Name: User Name parameters configure functions such as the number of sign in attempts or the period during which the system prevents access to an account that has been locked. For details, see User Name Policy Options.