Progress Bar

The progress bar indicates the different steps of the application flow and highlights where the candidates are in the application process.

Image showing a progress bar in a career section.

The progress bar allows candidates to move to a previous step (page) at any time and make changes during the application process. Once candidates have completed their job submission, they are taken to a summary page displaying all the information they provided

The progress bar is displayed by default. You can choose to activate the progress bar for a specific application flow. The titles correspond to the title of the pages used in the application flow, and you can change them. If the progress bar does not properly fit in the width of the page, you can adjust it in the main section of the Career Section Theme.

There is one box for each step in the application flow. However, a block that contains multiple pages is displayed as a single box in the progress bar. For example, if disqualification questions span 3 pages, this is indicated to the candidate (Page X of 3, where X represents the page the candidate is currently on). The previous situation can happen in the following cases:
  • eSignature for jobs available in multiple countries.

  • Diversity data when there are multiple questionnaires.

  • Questions, skills and disqualification questions.

  • OLF block which always spans 3 pages.