Importing Calendars

Before you start

The Manage Scheduling Center user type permission is required.

All spreadsheet fields must be completed.

Only one upload can be performed at a time.

Secondary locale information is optional.

Scheduling Center > Configuration > Import Calendars

Here's what to do

  1. Click on a template, that is Phone Calendar Template or In Person Calendar Template.
  2. Click Open.
  3. In the displayed spreadsheet, complete all fields for each calendar to be created.
  4. Save the Excel file in a CSV format.
  5. Log back in to the Scheduling Center.
  6. In the Import Calendars page, click Browse to select the CSV file previously saved.
  7. Select a type of calendar from the Select Calendar Type field (same type as for the CSV file).
  8. Select if the first row of the spreadsheet contains headers or not.
  9. Click Save.


The spreadsheet is validated by the system, uploaded and then calendars are created in the Scheduling Center. Download can take several minutes for large imports.