Running an Action Associated with Action Links in Analyses and Dashboards

Before you start

You must have one of the following user type permissions:
  • BI Consumer

  • BI Author Limited

  • BI Author Developer

  • BI Tenant Administrator

Home > Oracle Analytics > Catalog

Here's what to do

  1. Navigate to the action link.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If the action is associated with a standalone action link, then click the action link.

    • If the action is associated with an action link on an action link menu, then click the action link menu and then select the action link option.

  3. Respond to any request for more information or any confirmation prompt that is displayed.
    Note: A successful invocation message indicates only that the action that is associated with the action link ran successfully. It does not indicate that the process or operation that the action represents ran successfully.