Settings for Task Manager Reports

When generating reports in Microsoft Excel format, a row that spans multiple lines may result in empty rows displayed after the row that contains data. This may cause a problem if you've scripts that perform calculations on a row value. Task Manager provides a setting to control the display of these extra rows.

To resolve this issue, you must modify the template file of the report by performing the following:

  • Remove any empty lines from the table row
  • Change the row height of the row to 0

Alternatively, Task Manager provides a setting to control the display of these extra rows. This setting applies to all the reports.

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.

  3. Click Reports.

  4. Unselect Enable Row Split to ensure that multiple rows aren't displayed for each row of data in Microsoft Excel.