Setting Integration Parameters

Task Manager Integration parameters enable the application to pass information to the end point to control how the end point should perform its action. For example, when you run a consolidation, your program can pass which application to run the consolidation against, and the dimension selections for the consolidation. You set the parameter values defined in the Integrations in the task or Task Type using the integration.

Each parameter definition requires a name, description, unique code, type, and whether a value is required. The parameter code is the token that replaces the parameter in the execution URL for user tasks, or the parameter name that is passed to the execution web service for system-automated integrations. Required values must have a value for all tasks in a schedule before the schedule can be set to Open.

The Parameter Type controls the parameter value and how the user enters the value in the task field. Supported parameter types:

To set Integration parameters:

  1. In the New Integration dialog box, click Parameters.
  2. Click New icon New.
  3. Enter a Name for the parameter.
  4. Enter a Parameter Code.
  5. Enter a parameter Tooltip.
  6. From the Parameter Type list, select a type, and enter additional information for the parameter:
    • Checkbox: Boolean value

    • Date: Date value

    • Integer: Numeric value in whole numbers

    • Number: Numeric value in whole numbers or fractions

    • Options Group: Check box for a predefined set of values

    • Static List: Predefined set of text values

    • Task Information: Task information, for example, Assignee, duration, start and end dates

    • Text: Free-form text value.

    • EPM Artifact: Name of the artifact, such as the form or report
  7. If the parameter requires a value, select Required.
  8. Click OK to save the parameter.
  9. Click Save and Close to save the Integration.