Importing Tasks into Templates

You can import tasks, or partial task data, from text files such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, into a template. For example, you can enter task definitions as rows in Excel, save the file as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, and then import it into a template. You can also use the Import feature to quickly add many repetitive tasks by editing the fields in a text file and importing it, rather than creating individual tasks.


Before you import tasks into a template, you must specify task IDs that are unique in the template to ensure that no two tasks have the same ID.

To import tasks, you must have security rights to edit the template.

These options are available for importing tasks into a template:

  • Replace: Replaces the definition of a task with the definition in the import file. This option replaces the task detail with the detail that is in the file that you are importing. It does not affect other tasks in the template that are not specified in the import file.

  • Update: Updates partial information for tasks. For example, in the import file, you might have made changes to task instructions, reassigned Owners, Assignees, and Approvers, or removed some attributes and added new attributes. You might also have made the same change to a large number of tasks, for example, adding a new attribute to 100 of 400 tasks. The update option is not a full replacement of the task details. Only details for the task properties specified in the file are updated. For example, if the import file has only a column for a task instructions, the task name, Assignee, attributes, and other properties are not affected.

  • Delete: Deletes tasks and associated information based on a list of task IDs provided in a file. The required information to perform a delete is a file with a column of task IDs.

To import tasks into a template:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager,
  2. Click the Templates icon Templates tab on the left.
  3. Select a template into which to import tasks.
  4. Click Import Tasks Import Tasks.
  5. Enter the name of the file to import, or click Choose File to find the file.
  6. Select an import option:
    • Replace: Replaces the definition of a task with the definition in the import files. It does not affect other tasks that are not specified in the import file.


      You can select the Keep Attachments checkbox to retain attachments to tasks that are being replaced.
    • Update: Updates partial information for tasks. For example, in the import file, you might have made changes to task instructions, reassigned Owners, Assignees, and Approvers, or removed some attributes and added new attributes. You might also have made the same change to a large number of tasks, for example, adding a new attribute to 100 of 400 tasks. The update option is not a full replacement of the task details. Only details for the task properties specified in the file are updated. For example, if the import file has only a column for a task instructions, the task name, Assignee, attributes, and other properties are not affected.


      The system displays a warning that tasks in the template that match a task ID in the import file will be modified. If you do not want to overwrite the task, click Cancel to cancel the import process.

    • Delete: Deletes tasks and associated information based on a list of task IDs provided in a file. The required information to perform a delete is a file with a column of task IDs.

  7. Select a Date Format.

    Select a format from the drop-down list of allowed date formats. Date formats are not translated. By default, the date format is set to the locale date format of the exported file location.

  8. Select a File Delimiter for the import file. Select Comma or Tab. Select Other to specify any other single character as the Other Delimiter.
  9. Click Import.
  • If the import is successful, the Import Success dialog box is displayed, indicating the template name, the name of the file containing the tasks, and the total number of tasks imported. Click OK.

  • If errors are found, the import process is not run, and the Import Errors dialog box displays errors. View the errors, then click OK to return to the Templates page.

Table 38-1 Troubleshooting Import Errors

Error Resolution
Duplicate Task ID Check for duplicate Task IDs. Task IDs must be unique within the template or schedule. See Creating Tasks.
Task Name is too long The Task Name can contain a maximum of 80 characters. See Setting Task Properties.
Organizational Value - "Invalid Value" The Organizational Value cannot be blank, contain bullet points or multiple lines.