Creating a New Filter

You create a new filter to control the display of rows as per your requirement.

To create a new filter:

  1. From Home, click Application, then Task Manager, and then Filters. You can also go to any of the following pages to create a filter:

    • Tasks > Schedule Tasks. Click ... on the right side and then Manage Filters.
    • Tasks > Supplemental Data Tasks. Click ... on the right side and then Manage Filters.
    • Tasks > Alerts. Click ... on the right side and then Manage Filters.

    From Home, click Application, then Supplemental Data, and then Filters.

  2. Click New (+) to add a new filter. The New Filter dialog appears.

  3. In Name, enter a unique name for the filter.
  4. In Description, enter a description (optional) for the filter.
  5. In Type, select the type of filter being created.
  6. In the Filter Definition section, click Create Condition to create a condition that will be used to filter data. You can specify multiple conditions and condition groups.

    For each condition, specify the following:

    • (Condition Groups only) Conjunction: Select And or Or. These state how this condition or group relate to prior sibling conditions or groups. This field is enabled only if the selected node is not the first child of its parent node.
    • Attribute: An attribute is a field or value that a condition will be comparing to a value for inclusion in the result set of a filter. However, for the case of a filter, an attribute denotes more than the list of user-defined attributes.
    • Operator: States what kind of evaluation to perform against the attribute. For example, Equals, Between, Does not Equal, Greater than, Is blank, Is not blank, Less than, Not between.
    • Value: Specifies what values to compare the attribute against. The type of attribute determines what input field is available.