Grouping Cards into Clusters

A cluster is a grouping of cards. You must first create a cluster and then you can assign cards to it. You can also add existing clusters to navigation flows.

To ensure an optimal user experience, review the navigation flow design best practices. See Navigation Flow Design Best Practices and Naming Considerations.

To assign cards to clusters:

  1. Create a new cluster or add an existing cluster:
    1. Open the Navigation Flow page and click the name of the navigation flow in which you want to add a cluster. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.
    2. To create a new cluster, right-click a card or cluster in the list or click Navigation Flow Actions Icon (Actions), click Add Cluster, enter or select the cluster details, and then choose a graphic for the cluster.


      Ensure that you adhere to the visibility and naming restrictions outlined in Navigation Flow Design Best Practices and Naming Considerations.

      A cluster is added to the list as a sibling under the cluster that is currently selected.


      Clusters that are added without first selecting a card or cluster are added to the end of the list.

    3. To add an existing cluster, right-click a card or cluster in the list or click Navigation Flow Actions Icon (Actions), click Add Existing Card/Cluster. If there is an existing cluster you want to add from another environment, right-click a card or cluster in the list or click Navigation Flow Actions Icon (Actions), click Add Existing Card/Cluster, select the target environment under My Connections, and then choose the cluster you want to add to your navigation flow.


      • Clusters can't be directly selected from Narrative Reporting and Profitability and Cost Management using the Add Existing Card/Cluster option.

      • Clusters that are added from another navigation flow or from another environment will display the localized labels that were defined in the source navigation flow. To update the cluster labels in your navigation flow, on the Home page, click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels.

        See Specifying Artifact Labels.

      • A reference cluster is a cluster that is already referenced from another navigation flow. References to already referenced clusters are not supported in navigation flows and will not be available for selection in the Object Library when adding an existing cluster.

      A cluster is added to the list as a sibling under the card or cluster that is currently selected.


      Clusters that are added without first selecting a card or cluster are added to the end of the list.

    4. Click Save and Close.
  2. Select the cards to include in the cluster using one of these options:
    1. Navigate to the card you want to add. If the card is within another environment, first select the environment under My Connections, and then navigate to the card in that environment. Assign the card to a cluster using one of these options:
      • To the right of the card in the Order column, click Move to Cluster icon (Move to Cluster), select the cluster, and then click OK.

      • Click the name of the card to view the card details, then for Cluster select a cluster for the card, and then click OK.

    2. Navigate to the cluster in which you want to add a card, then right-click the cluster or click Navigation Flow Actions Icon (Actions), click Add Card In Cluster, and then select an option:
      • Select Add Existing Card, to select an existing card or to add existing cards from another cluster to the selected cluster.

      • Select Add Card, and then enter card details to add a new card to the selected cluster.


      You cannot add a card to a cluster if the card or the cluster is already referenced from another navigation flow.

    3. Click Save and Close.

    The cards will appear in the listing as children of the cluster. Use the up and down arrows next to the cards to reorder the cards within the cluster, if needed.

To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation Flow.