Designing Forms for Infolets

Use only simple forms with small data sets in infolets. Permissions that are set for forms are honored in infolets.

You can create forms that are specifically used in infolets:

  • Forms used in infolets should have fewer cells than a traditional data entry form; for example, forms used in infolets should only have up to 12 cells.

  • Forms used in infolets should have no more than 12 rows and columns. If a form has more than 12 rows and columns, the infolet will only display the first 12 rows and columns.

  • Infolets currently don't support Page dimensions or POVs, therefore forms used in infolets should not contain Page dimensions.

  • If a form that is used in infolets contains a grid with members that expand, the infolet will display all the members in the form, including the expanded members.