Resolving Navigation Flows that Display a Warning Icon

While viewing the Navigation Flow listing, you might see a navigation flow displaying a warning icon warning icon. This occurs because the group that was associated with the navigation flow was deleted. You'll need to edit the navigation flow to associate it with a group or role before you can activate the navigation flow.


To resolve navigation flows displaying an error icon error icon, see Using Validate to Find Missing Artifacts in Navigation Flows.

To resolve the navigation flow:

  1. Open the Navigation Flow page. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.
  2. Click the name of the navigation flow displaying the warning icon warning icon.
  3. For Assign To, click Select Group or Role icon (Select) to assign the navigation flow to a group of users or to a role, then click Save and Close.
  4. Activate the navigation flow. See Activating and Deactivating Navigation Flows.

To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation Flow.