Setting Printing Options

You can set and edit preferences for printing form information in the Layout tab.

To set printing options:

  1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
  2. Select Printing Options, and then set preferences for printing form information:

    Table 12-3 Form Printing Options

    Option Description
    Include supporting detail Include supporting detail as extra rows in PDF files. Specify display format:
    • Normal Order: Prints supporting detail in the same order as on the Supporting Detail page, after the member it is associated with

    • Reverse Order: Prints supporting detail in reverse order, before the member associated with it. Supporting detail for children displays above parents, and the order of siblings is preserved.

    Show comments Display text notes associated with cells
    Format data Apply number format settings from the form to the displayed data
    Show attribute members If attribute members are selected in the form, display them in PDF files
    Apply precision Apply form precision settings (desired number of decimal points) to the displayed data in PDF files
    Show currency codes If the form supports multiple currencies, display currency codes in the form and in PDF files. Whether currency codes display depends on whether currency codes are present on any member in the form.

    If a currency code is present on any member contained in the form, currency codes display in the form regardless of the selection for this check box. If currency codes are not present on members in the form, they are not displayed.

    Show account annotations If account annotations are enabled for the form, select to display account annotations in PDF files
  3. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and close the form.

See also: Setting Your Printing Preferences in Working with Tax Reporting.