Generating TAR Automation Rollover

To roll over the report to the next period, you run the TAR Automation Rollover to copy the rules from the prior year's last period to the selected POV. The Rollover is run for all Level 0 TARF Accounts, not just the account specified in the POV.

To generate the TAR Automation Rollover:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, and then Configuration.
  2. On the Configure screen, select TAR Automation.
  3. On the TAR Automation form, select the POV for the rollover period. No mappings are displayed.
  4. From the Configure screen, select Rollover.
  5. On the Rollover screen, select the Scenario, Year, and Period.
  6. Select TAR Automation rules, and then click Run.
    Tax Automation Rollover


    This will rollover even the TAR Automation Book Balance rules.
  7. On the Configure screen, select TAR Automation.
  8. Under Actions, select TAR Automation, and then Show All Movements.

    The values from the prior year's last period are now displayed in the selected POV.