Calculation Status

Tax Reporting maintains the calculation status for each Scenario, Period, Entity and Parent entity combination. The calculation status indicates whether data needs to be translated or consolidated. The calculation status can change as a result of several actions:

  • Changing the organization structure
  • Adding or deleting accounts
  • Modifying entity attributes
  • Entering data in data grids, or loading data from external sources
  • Reloading rules
  • Changing percent consolidation
  • Changing currency rates
  • Changing override amount data
  • Updating and loading book data
  • Loading and adjusting tax data
  • Loading and updating tax automation rules
  • Loading and updating RTA automation rules
  • Loading and updating tax rates or consolidated rates

Table 18-2 Consolidation Statuses

Status Description


Data is OK. None of the data for the specified dimensions has changed.

No Data

No data exists for the specified dimensions.


Data has changed since last generated, which requires a reconsolidation to change its status to OK. This occurs when a change to a base entity data impacts a parent entity.

Needs Translation

Entity currency data has changed or has been consolidated. Translated values may not be current.

System Changed

A change in metadata has occured. The system changes OK status to System Changed status after refresh database.

System Changed status is an acceptable status for historical periods as the application metadata evolves.

Before consolidating/translating the period specified in the runtime prompt the system checks whether any prior periods are in Impacted status. If P12 of the prior year (prior to the Year specified in runtime prompt for the consolidation/translation) is Impacted, then the consolidation/translation fails asking users to consolidate prior year first. If prior periods in the current year (Year specified in runtime prompt for the consolidation/translation) are Impacted, then the system automatically includes those impacted prior periods in the consolidation scope even though those prior periods were not explicitly specified by the user in the consolidation/translation runtime prompt.

The system does not automatically include prior periods with System Changed status in the consolidation/translation scope unless the System Changed period(s) are specified explicitly in the consolidation/translation runtime prompt.

For example, let's assume that periods P2 - P12 for Actual/FY21/LE101 are in status Impacted while P1 period is in System Changed. If a consolidation is triggered for Actual/FY21/P12/LE101, the system will only consolidate P2 through P12 leaving P1 in the System Changed state. If required, P1 can be consolidated explicitly for Actual/FY21/P1/LE101.