Creating Supplemental Data Reports

You can create Supplemental Data reports to report on details of supplemental data. These report format types are available: CSV, XLSX, HTML, and PDF.

To create Supplemental Data reports, you must be a Service Administrator or Power User.

To create a report:

  1. On the Home Page, click Reports.
  2. Click Supplemental Data Reports.
  3. Select the Output Format:
    • XLSX - not supported for graphs.
    • HTML - not supported for graphs and charts.
    • PDF
    • CSV - does not use a template and is better at faster data retrieval.


      For reports that contain more than 10,000 records, it is recommended to use the CSV format.
    • CSV (Formatted) - is best suited for a simple data table with formatted data and does not support images, graphics, or styling in the template.


      The CSV (Formatted) format takes additional time to generate the report to honor template formatting when compared to the CSV format. Therefore, you can select CSV to generate the data quickly or CSV (Formatted) to generate formatted template based data.

  4. Click Generate.
  5. Enter a Name for the report.
  6. Click Generate.

    When done, the system displays a "Completed Successfully" status message.

The report generation process uses a backend job framework that runs report jobs in the background. If the report has an error, for example, if the size is greater than the recommended size, you see a message stating the error in the Generate Report dialog before the report is generated. For reports with very large number of records, it is recommended to use filtering to break the report down to fewer records.