Working with Deferred Tax Post DTNR for IFRS

For the IFRS Reporting Standard only, the Deferred Tax Post DTNR form shows the amount, details and movement for deferred tax. The deferred tax rollforward is displayed on a combined basis with the DTNR.

Expand column headings Expand icon to see all categories.

To access the Deferred Tax Post DTNR form:

  1. From the Home page, click Tax Provision National, then Package, and then Deferred Tax Post DTNR.
  2. Enter details for the deferred tax post DTNR.


The form contains the following headings across the columns:

Table 11-7 National Deferred Tax Post DTNR Column Headings

Category Subcategory

Opening Balance As Adjusted

The tax effect of the prior year end temporary differences, including the tax effect of the opening balances for federal benefit of state taxes, deferred tax not recognized, and prior year adjustments.


Net Opening Balance

The Deferred Tax Not Recognized (DTNR) on the opening balances.


Opening Balance


Opening Balance - NBR

Opening Balance - DTNR

Net Prior Year Adjustment


Opening Balance Adjustment


Prior Year Adjustment - NBR


Prior Year Adjustment - Losses and Credits

Current Year Total


Automated Total


Adjustment Total

Return to Accrual (Deferred Only)


Audit Settlements (Deferred Only)


Other Adjustments Total (Deferred Only)


Audit Settlements(Deferred Only)


Other Adjustments - Automated (Deferred Only)


Other Adjustments (Deferred Only)

Transfers (Deferred Only)


Prior Year Adjustment (Deferred Only)


Contingency (Deferred Only)


Impact from Change in Tax Rates


Impact from change in Tax Rates - Current Year Total


Impact from change in Tax Rates RCCY


Impact from change in Tax Rates - NBR


Impact from change in Tax Rates - Opening Balance Total


Impact from change in Tax Rates - Opening Balance NBR


Impact from change in Tax Rates - Opening Balance

  Impact from change in Tax Rate - Acquisitions Total

Net Benefit of Region


DTNR Current Year P&L Total


DTNR Current Year Utilized P&L

Total Deferred Tax Expense



Adjustments for Change in Tax Rates - Acquisition  



Total Equity


Equity Automated Total


Equity Adjustments Total

Equity Prior Year


Equity Other


Impact from change in Tax Rates in Equity


Impact from change in Tax Rates in Equity - Opening Balance Total


Impact from change in Tax Rates in Equity - Current Year Total

Total Equity Adjustments


Non Provision - NBR


DTNR Current Year Non P&L Total


DTNR Current Year Utilized Non P&L


DTNR Current Year Non P&L

Total Balance Sheet Movements


Total Effect from Foreign Exchange


Foreign Exchange - Opening Balance Total


Foreign Exchange - Current Year Total

Closing Balance (Tax)


Closing Balance (Non Current Assets)


Closing Balance (Non Current Liabilities)



Data Source "Tax Input" member (TRCS_Tax_Input) is designed to support DTNR (Deferred Tax Not Recognized amounts on a tax effected basis as DTNR P&L or DTNR non P&L amounts.

Do not use this member to adjust tax effected data using movements (that is, Other Adjustments TRCS_OtherSys) other than DTNR movements.