Reviewing Calculation Status

You can review the processing status for each process unit (scenario, year, entity, period) by accessing the Calculation Status tab on the Data Status form.


Data in this form cannot be modified.

To review Calculation Status:

  1. From the Home page, select Tax Provision National, and then Data Status.
  2. Select the Calculation Status tab.
    Calculation Status tab of the Data Status screen
  3. For each entity, select the row that contains the entity you want to view.
  4. For the required period (P1, P2, and so on), under Approval Status view the status for the approval of the item.
  5. For the required period (P1, P2, and so on), under Calculation Status, view the current status:
    • Not Started
    • System Changed
    • No Data
    • Impacted
    • OK