Entering Regional FX Rates Full Year

Use the FX Rates Full Year screen to enter the Average and Ending FX rates for a selected currency and POV for each period in the application for a full year.

All currencies that are available in the application are displayed. When you select a Base or Parent entity, you can add a specific rate for the associated currency. Your application might contain multiple entities for a single currency, for example, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver for CAD.

To enter FX rates for an entire year:

  1. From the Home page, select Library.
  2. On the Data Entry screen, expand Tax Administration, and then click FX Rates Full Year.
    FX Rates Full Year screen
  3. Click the Edit icon Edit icon to select the currency and POV:
    • Currency--select the currency for each period during the year.
    • Year
    • Scenario
    • Entity (Base or Parent)
  4. Select the row that contains the currency for the selected entity.
  5. Under the selected Period, enter the Average Rate and Ending Rate values. Rates are expressed as a decimal percentage. For example, 1.00 or .98.
  6. Optional: Repeat this step for each currency being used for this application.
  7. Click Save.

    The results are automatically updated in all cubes.