Working with Current Tax Payable Regional Forms

The Current Tax Payable Regional form enables you to capture a breakdown of provisions for each year to ensure they have been cleared by payments and refunds, or adjustments such as RTA. The Current Tax Payable Regional Analysis can capture up to seven prior years ending balances that, when added, agree with the ending balance in the TAR Regional form. As you add new years to the form, years past the 7 year limit are accumulated into the total in the Historic Year.

There are three Current Tax Payable forms:

  • Current Tax Payable Regional
  • Current Tax Payable Regional Automated
  • Current Tax Payable Regional Details

Note that the Current Tax payable form is available by default, see Entering Current Tax Payable Regional Form.

However, if you want to use Current Tax Payable Automated and Current Tax Payable Detail forms, you must enable the automation feature. For more information, see Managing Current Tax Payable Regional Automated and Detail Forms.