Submit document with default document type variant (Deprecated)



Deprecated. This request is internally redirected to

POST /bca/api/documentReceiver/v1/networks/{networkId}/flows/{flowId}/steps/{stepId}/variants/default


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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202 Response

Document related to specified document type variant was accepted for processing. The json response is available for CSV documents only.
Body ()
Root Schema : CSV Document Post Response
Type: object
Title: CSV Document Post Response
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
  • CSV Record
    Title: CSV Record
    CSV record information identified by record identifier.
Nested Schema : CSV Record
Type: object
Title: CSV Record
CSV record information identified by record identifier.
Show Source
  • problems
  • Allowed Values: [ "ACCEPTED", "REJECTED" ]
    Record status (ACCEPTED - record was accepted for processing, REJECTED - record was rejected/excluded from processing). Note that the behavior isn't transactional. If one of the records is REJECTED the ramaining records won't be affected.
Nested Schema : problems
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : CSV Record Problem
Type: object
Title: CSV Record Problem
Show Source
  • Problem description
  • Allowed Values: [ "PARSING", "VALIDATION" ]
    Problem type (PARSING - problem occured when the CSV document was parsed, VALIDATION - problem occured when the translated JSON document was validated against JSON schema).

400 Response

Input document is invalid. The json response is available for CSV documents only. Also, if the CSV file cannot be reliably split into multiple records during the parsing phase, the error code 400 will be returned with only simple string error description.
Body ()
Root Schema : CSV Document Post Response
Type: object
Title: CSV Document Post Response
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
  • CSV Record
    Title: CSV Record
    CSV record information identified by record identifier.
Nested Schema : CSV Record
Type: object
Title: CSV Record
CSV record information identified by record identifier.
Show Source
  • problems
  • Allowed Values: [ "ACCEPTED", "REJECTED" ]
    Record status (ACCEPTED - record was accepted for processing, REJECTED - record was rejected/excluded from processing). Note that the behavior isn't transactional. If one of the records is REJECTED the ramaining records won't be affected.
Nested Schema : problems
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : CSV Record Problem
Type: object
Title: CSV Record Problem
Show Source
  • Problem description
  • Allowed Values: [ "PARSING", "VALIDATION" ]
    Problem type (PARSING - problem occured when the CSV document was parsed, VALIDATION - problem occured when the translated JSON document was validated against JSON schema).

403 Response

User is not authorized to send the document or a virus/malware has been found in the attachments.

404 Response

Business network, flow or step is not available to the current tenant, or the variant with variantId is not available for the document type accepted by this business flow step.

409 Response

Business flow is not active.

413 Response

Submitted request exceeds the maximum allowed size or attachment limits.

415 Response

CSV upload is not supported for this document type variant. Applicable only if Content-Type is text/csv.
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