Send Requests

Use the following guidelines when sending requests using the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace REST API.

URL Structure

Access the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace REST resources using the URL structure convention described in conventions.

Roles and Security

Clients making requests to the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace REST API resources must be members of pre-defined roles that have sufficient privileges to invoke the desired REST API resource.

Supported Methods

You can perform basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) on your Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance using standard HTTP method requests, as summarized in the following table.

HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve information about a resource.
POST Create or update a resource.
PUT Update the a resource.
DELETE Delete a resource.

Media Types

Currently, the only media type supported by the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace REST API is application/json.

Required Headers

All requests to the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace REST API must include the following headers that are passed in the header section of the HTTP request or response.

Header Description Example
Content-Type Media type of the body of the request. Required for POST and PUT requests. Currently, only the application/json value is accepted. Content-Type: application/json
Accept Media type of the body of the response. Required for GET requests. Any value other than application/json will be rejected with client request error 406 ???Not Acceptable???. Accept: application/json


Use compression on the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace REST resource request and response for improved performance. To use compression, include one of the following HTTP headers in the request: Accept-Encoding or Content-Encoding.