Create a New Variant for an Existing Document Type

As a founder or a trading partner, you can create multiple definitions or variants for a single document type. In each variant of a document type, you need to define its document schema, metadata template, simulator template, and presentation template whereas you create a single metadata schema, which is common across all the variants.

You should have an existing document type for which you want to create a new definition or variant.
Note: You can neither delete system-defined document types nor modify their document schema . Other components of a system-defined document type can be changed but will require manual updates or upgrades to new versions. It is recommended to create a new variant for a system-defined document type if there is a need to modify the structure or one ore more of the type definitions
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Document Types ().
  3. On the Configurations : Document Types dashboard, from the left bar, click the document type for which you need to add a new definition or variant. Note that the document types that display a () beside its name are system-defined.
  4. For the selected document type, adjacent to its Variants label, click Add Variant ().
    The Create: Document Types window is displayed.
  5. In the Create: Document Type, enter the Name of the variant for the document type, and select a color for the document from Document Type Color drop-down list.
  6. Click the Document Schema tab. Upload the raw JSON schema of the document type. You can directly copy paste the JSON schema in the text area tab.
  7. Click Metadata Template tab. Enter the type mapping for the document.
  8. Click Simulator Template tab. Enter the simulator template details for the document.
  9. Click Presentation Template tab. Enter the presentation template details for the document.
  10. Click Save and wait until the Save successful message is displayed.
  11. Click Cancel to return to the Configurations : Document Types dashboard.


The new document type variant is added under in the VARIANTS list.

To modify the template schema, which is common for all the variants, you'll need to edit the document type. See Edit a Document Type.