Create a Package Type

To enable Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace to track lot-controlled or serial-controlled products, as a founder admin, you need to create package types if needed, and enter their details, before they can be referenced in any transaction document submitted into the application.

As a founder admin, you should have the details, such as the name, description, one or more image files, attributes of a package that needs to be tracked in the business network by the application
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Package Types ().
  3. On the Configurations : Package Types dashboard, click Create New Package Type ().
  4. On the New: Package Types drawer, enter or select values for the following fields:
    • Name: Enter the name of the item type
    • (Optional) Description: Enter a description of the item type.
    • (Optional) Package Image: Click Choose Image, browse to the location where you have saved the item's image file, select it, and then click Open. Repeat the step, if you have more image files to upload for this item type.
    • Attributes: Click Add Attribute. Enter a name value pair in the text boxes. Click Add Attribute to add another attribute. To remove an attribute, click Delete () beside the added attribute.
  5. Click Save and wait until the Save successful message is displayed.
  6. Click Close to return to the Configurations : Package Types dashboard.


Verify that your package type is listed on the left navigation bar and its details are displayed on the central frame.