Create Non-Administrative Group with Selective Privileges

A non-administrative permissions group offers set of permissions required for non-admin users. The permissions are function specific based on the action to be completed.

Consider the following use cases for non-admin permission groups.

Use case 1 - Product Tracking and Document Submission

Based on your business requirement, as a participating trading partner user, you need to complete the following actions:

  • Submit documents for a business flow step
  • Track items and packages
  1. Create a new permissions group, see Create a Group.
  2. Select Group Type as Non-Administrative.
  3. Under Assign Permissions area, assign permissions specific to the example use case requirement.
    The following image shows the assigned permissions.
    The transitive permissions associated with main permissions will be automatically assigned.

    For list of available permissions, see User Permissions.

  4. Sign In to the application as non-admin user.
    The following image shows the restricted access available only to the selected functions.

    Under Operations module, you can track items and packages and also submit documents. Whereas, under Configurations module, you only have read-only access to the available functions.

Use case 2 - Document Submission

Based on your business requirement, some endorsing trading partner users in your organization only need to submit documents for a business flow step.

  1. Under Assign Permissions area, assign permissions specific to the example use case requirement. For list of available permissions, see User Permissions.
    The following image shows the assigned permission(s).

    The transitive permissions associated with main permissions will be automatically assigned.
  2. Sign In to the application as non-admin user.
    The following image shows the restricted access available only to the selected functions.

    Under Operations module, Document Submission is available. Whereas, under Configurations module, you only have read-only access to Units Of Measure.