Define Business ID Types

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to add additional business ID types which you can use when you define locations of trading partners. The business IDs uniquely identify the locations of a trading partner within a business network.

As a founder admin, complete the following steps to add new or modify the existing business identifier types:
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Settings ().
  3. On the Configurations : Settings dashboard, scroll within the BUSINESS IDENTIFIER TYPES section, and then click Edit ().
  4. On the Business Identifier Types page, click Add ().
    At the bottom of the existing list of business identifier types, two text boxes appear.
  5. Under Type, in the new text box, enter the business ID type, and in the text box under Description, enter the information that describes the business ID type.
  6. To delete any exiting business ID type, next to its description, click Delete () and then click Confirm to complete the deletion.

    If required, you can modify the value of the existing business identifier types and their descriptions.

  7. Click Save and wait until the Save successful message is displayed.
  8. Click Cancel to return to the Configurations : Settings dashboard.