Define Document Schema JSON

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) based document structures, thereby providing you the flexibility to define your own customized document type schema which suits your business needs and wants.

JSON is a data-interchanged language which is relatively easy for humans to read and write, and easy for software to parse and generate. It is often used for serializing structured data and exchanging it over a network, typically between a server and web applications.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace currently supports JSON Schema Draft 7 specification for parsing and validating the incoming transaction documents. As a founder, when you define your own document type structure, it must be JSON Schema draft 7 compliant. You can read more about the JSON and the current specifications at and

Once you have defined your document schema, you can upload it to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace by following the instructions provided in Create a New Document Type.

Usage Example

This is an example of a JSON schema for document type Shipping.

	"$schema": "",
	"type": "object",
	"$id": "urn:GetAdvancedShipmentNoticeDataResponse",
	"properties": {
		"result": {
			"type": "object",
			"$id": "urn:ASNShipmentResult",
			"properties": {
				"message": {
					"type": "array",
					"items": {
						"type": "object",
						"$id": "urn:ServiceMessage",
						"properties": {
							"code": {
								"type": "string"
							"message": {
								"type": "string"
							"severity": {
								"type": "string"
							"detail": {
								"type": "array",
								"items": {
									"type": "object"
						"additionalProperties": false
				"value": {
					"type": "object",
					"$id": "urn:ASNShipment",
					"required": [
					"properties": {
						"deliveryId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"deliveryName": {
							"type": "string"
						"initialPickupDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"initialPickupLocationId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"shipFromAddress1": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromAddress2": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromAddress3": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromAddress4": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromCity": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromCountry": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromCountryName": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromCountryDescription": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromCounty": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromPostalCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipFromState": {
							"type": "string"
						"ultimateDropoffLocationId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"shipToAddress1": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToAddress2": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToAddress3": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToAddress4": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToCity": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToCountry": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToCountryName": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToCountryDescription": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToCounty": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToPostalCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToState": {
							"type": "string"
						"ultimateDropoffDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"actualShipDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"freightTermsCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"freightTermsName": {
							"type": "string"
						"fobCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"fobName": {
							"type": "string"
						"waybill": {
							"type": "string"
						"grossWeight": {
							"type": "number"
						"netWeight": {
							"type": "number"
						"weightUOMCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"weightUOMName": {
							"type": "string"
						"volume": {
							"type": "number"
						"volumeUOMCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"volumeUOMName": {
							"type": "string"
						"dockCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"shippingMethodName": {
							"type": "string"
						"carrierId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"carrierName": {
							"type": "string"
						"carrierNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"organizationId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"organizationCode": {
							"type": "string"
						"organizationName": {
							"type": "string"
						"loadingSequence": {
							"type": "number"
						"loadingOrderType": {
							"type": "string"
						"loadingOrderTypeName": {
							"type": "string"
						"numberOfLPN": {
							"type": "number"
						"serviceLevel": {
							"type": "string"
						"serviceLevelName": {
							"type": "string"
						"modeOfTransport": {
							"type": "string"
						"modeOfTransportName": {
							"type": "string"
						"earliestPickupDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"latestPickupDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"earliestDropoffDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"latestDropoffDate": {
							"type": "integer",
							"format": "utc-millisec"
						"shipToPartyId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"shipToPartyName": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToPartyNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"soldToPartyId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"soldToPartyName": {
							"type": "string"
						"soldToPartyNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"outsourcerPartyId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"outsourcerPartyName": {
							"type": "string"
						"outsourcerPartyNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"billOfLadingNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"packingSlipNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"tareWeight": {
							"type": "number"
						"transportationReason": {
							"type": "string"
						"rcvShipmentNumber": {
							"type": "string"
						"shipToPartySiteId": {
							"type": "integer"
						"asnOuterPackingUnit": {
							"type": "array",
							"items": {
								"type": "object",
								"$id": "urn:ASNPackingUnit",
								"properties": {
									"lpnId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"licensePlateNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"deliveryId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"inventoryItemId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"itemNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"itemDescription": {
										"type": "string"
									"parentLPNId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"parentLicensePlateNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"outermostLPNId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"outermostLicensePlateNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"grossWeightUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"grossWeightUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"grossWeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"containerVolumeUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"containerVolumeUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"containerVolume": {
										"type": "number"
									"tareWeightUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"tareWeightUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"tareWeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"packingInstructions": {
										"type": "string"
									"containerTypeCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"containerTypeName": {
										"type": "string"
									"sealCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"unitHeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"unitLength": {
										"type": "number"
									"unitWidth": {
										"type": "number"
									"dimensionUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"dimensionUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"netWeightUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"netWeightUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"netWeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"asnShippingCost": {
										"type": "array",
										"items": {
											"type": "object",
											"$id": "urn:ASNShippingCost",
											"properties": {
												"freightCostId": {
													"type": "integer"
												"freightCostTypeCode": {
													"type": "string"
												"freightCostTypeName": {
													"type": "string"
												"amount": {
													"type": "object",
													"$id": "urn:AmountType",
													"properties": {
														"value": {
															"type": "number"
														"currencyCode": {
															"type": "string"
													"additionalProperties": false
												"currencyCode": {
													"type": "string"
												"currencyName": {
													"type": "string"
												"conversionTypeCode": {
													"type": "string"
												"conversionTypeName": {
													"type": "string"
												"conversionDate": {
													"type": "integer",
													"format": "utc-millisec"
												"conversionRate": {
													"type": "number"
											"additionalProperties": false
								"additionalProperties": false
						"asnInnerPackingUnit": {
							"type": "array",
							"items": {
								"type": "object"
						"asnShipmentItem": {
							"type": "array",
							"items": {
								"type": "object",
								"$id": "urn:ASNShipmentItem",
								"anyOf": [
										"required": [
										"required": [
								"required": [
								"properties": {
									"deliveryDetailId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"deliveryId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"sourceHeaderId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"sourceLineId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"sourceHeaderNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"customerPONumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"inventoryItemId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"itemNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"itemDescription": {
										"type": "string"
									"requestedQuantity": {
										"type": "object",
										"$id": "urn:MeasureType",
										"required": [
										"properties": {
											"value": {
												"type": "number"
											"unitCode": {
												"type": "string",
												"enum": [
										"additionalProperties": false
									"requestedQuantityUOM": {
										"type": "string"
									"requestedQuantityUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"shippedQuantity": {
										"type": "object",
										"$id": "urn:MeasureType",
										"properties": {
											"value": {
												"type": "number"
											"unitCode": {
												"type": "string"
										"additionalProperties": false
									"subinventory": {
										"type": "string"
									"revision": {
										"type": "string"
									"lotNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"dateRequested": {
										"type": "integer",
										"format": "utc-millisec"
									"requestDateTypeCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"requestDateTypeName": {
										"type": "string"
									"dateScheduled": {
										"type": "integer",
										"format": "utc-millisec"
									"loadSequenceNumber": {
										"type": "number"
									"shipmentPriorityCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"shipmentPriorityName": {
										"type": "string"
									"customerItemId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"customerItemNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"customerItemDescription": {
										"type": "string"
									"netWeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"weightUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"weightUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"volume": {
										"type": "number"
									"volumeUOMCode": {
										"type": "string"
									"volumeUOMName": {
										"type": "string"
									"shippingInstructions": {
										"type": "string"
									"packingInstructions": {
										"type": "string"
									"parentLPNId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"parentLPNName": {
										"type": "string"
									"sourceLineNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"grossWeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"preferredGrade": {
										"type": "string"
									"earliestPickupDate": {
										"type": "integer",
										"format": "utc-millisec"
									"latestPickupDate": {
										"type": "integer",
										"format": "utc-millisec"
									"earliestDropoffDate": {
										"type": "integer",
										"format": "utc-millisec"
									"latestDropoffDate": {
										"type": "integer",
										"format": "utc-millisec"
									"salesOrderLineNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"salesOrderNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"salesOrderShipmentNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"sourceLineType": {
										"type": "string"
									"sourceLineTypeName": {
										"type": "string"
									"shipToContactPartyId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"shipToContactPartyName": {
										"type": "string"
									"shipToContactPartyNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"shipToContactPhoneNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"shipToContactEmailAddress": {
										"type": "string"
									"soldToContactPartyId": {
										"type": "integer"
									"soldToContactPartyName": {
										"type": "string"
									"soldToContactPartyNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"soldToContactPhoneNumber": {
										"type": "string"
									"soldToContactEmailAddress": {
										"type": "string"
									"tareWeight": {
										"type": "number"
									"asnShippingCost": {
										"type": "array",
										"items": {
											"type": "object"
									"asnProratedShippingCost": {
										"type": "array",
										"items": {
											"type": "object",
											"$id": "urn:ASNProratedShippingCost",
											"properties": {
												"proratedFreightCostId": {
													"type": "integer"
												"freightCostTypeCode": {
													"type": "string"
												"freightCostTypeName": {
													"type": "string"
												"proratedAmount": {
													"type": "object"
												"currencyCode": {
													"type": "string"
												"currencyName": {
													"type": "string"
											"additionalProperties": false
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										"type": "array",
										"items": {
											"type": "object",
											"$id": "urn:ASNSerialNumber",
											"properties": {
												"fromSerialNumber": {
													"type": "string"
												"toSerialNumber": {
													"type": "string"
											"additionalProperties": false
								"additionalProperties": false
						"asnShippingCost": {
							"type": "array",
							"items": {
								"type": "object"
					"additionalProperties": false
			"additionalProperties": false
	"additionalProperties": false